You've Got Questions?—
We Have The Answers!

When someone sees a Fat Truck rolling over obstacles and floating through water, their first question is “What is it?” Their next question is, “How do I get one?” It’s a Fat Truck. Schedule a demo today! For the rest of the answers to frequently asked questions, read on!

Is Fat Truck “road legal”?

Yes. Fat Truck is ISO certified with a roll-over-protective structure and seat belts for all passengers, which makes it road-legal in some areas.  Check with your local State Laws to see if the Fat Truck is road legal in your area.

I have accessibility needs. Could I drive a Fat Truck?

Fat Truck uses a joystick rather than a steering wheel to control the ATV. The joystick is in the center console and can be used by an individual in either the right or the left front seat, with only one hand. No pedals are required.

Where is Fat Truck built?

Fat Truck is manufactured in North America. Sixty percent of the parts come from the U.S., and the rest are from within 300 miles of the factory. Only the wheels come from outside of North America.

As a business owner, I must be concerned with my employees’ safety. How can Fat Truck help with this?

Fat Truck is ROPS ISO 3471 certified with a roll-over-protective structure and seat belts for all passengers. Thanks to the vehicle’s low center of gravity, it is very stable. The low-pressure tires that can be controlled from within the cab can get your employees across any terrain.

How much is Fat Truck cost?

This is a tough one to answer because there are so many accessories and options you can choose from. The base price is between $128,000 and $146,000 depending on the model you choose. This price is subject to change with inflation and parts and component costs.

How fast does a Fat Truck go?

Fat Trucks have a listed top speed of 25mph. When you get those over 5-foot-tall tires rolling at 25mph, it definitely feels fast enough!  Keep in mind, these rigs are made for when the trail or the road ends.

What’s the difference between Fat Truck and other similar vehicles?

We rock, they suck—next! 

For real, what is the difference?

Fat Trucks are made right here in North America so getting units and parts is no problem.  We simplified the steering to a single joystick control instead of pedals and levers and a manual transmission. Fat Trucks are full time 4wd unlike others that clutch each side for turning in 2wd. Safety, reliability, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, call us and we’ll give you all the details!

How deep of water can the Fat Truck drive in?

51-foot-deep water is the maximum, at 52 feet, it sinks.  Just kidding! It’s completely amphibious, so any depth of water is ok.

The Ultimate ATV

You’ve got to see it in action to believe it!